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Local Schools


R. Marshall

Counselor:  Mrs. Marshall
Contact Information:
Phone:  740-886-3253
Fax:  740-886-6738

Unlock Your Future:  

Graduating high school is the goal and the starting line! This is your one-stop shop for learning all about Ohio's graduation requirements, and gaining skills that will help you Unlock Your Future! 

Click on link to open >>

State Anonymous Reporting System

Governor Mike DeWine established the Ohio School Safety Center (OSSC) in August of 2019 to support schools, first responders, and communities in preventing, preparing for, and responding to threats and acts of violence, including self-harm. One of the resources that the OSSC administers is the Safer Ohio School Tip Line. 

This free service is monitored 24/7 for anonymous reporting and can receive both calls and texts. This tip line allows students and adults to anonymously share information with school officials and law enforcement about threats to student safety—whether that involves a threatened mass incident or harm to a single student.

The OSSC encourages reporting on:
  • Bullying and cyberbullying incidents;
  • Self-harm or suicidal behaviors;
  • Withdrawn student behaviors;
  • Verbal or written threats observed toward students, staff, or the school itself;
  • Weapons/suspicious devices on or near school grounds;
  • Gang-related activities;
  • Illegal drug use; and
  • Unusual or suspicious behavior of students or associates.