We know emergencies can be stressful. Please know that we are prepared to take care of your child and are dedicated to keeping everyone in our school community safe. Here are a few things we would like you to know in the event of an emergency during your child’s school day:
In the event of an emergency, our webpage and app will be your go to for information and it will be updated regularly.
During an active scene and investigation, all communication is made in conjunction with the Lawrence County Sheriff's Department. Information is communicated as it is available.
Please be aware that the District's communication during an emergency is guided by federal privacy laws under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as well as law enforcement guidance. We will strive to provide timely and accurate information, some information may be limited or withheld to protect student privacy. However, we will share as much information as possible while adhering to legal requirements.
We will continue to communicate with families and the community throughout the emergency event. Updates will be posted to social media, our app, webpage and via text and AllCall directly to families.
We will communicate with families Districtwide no matter what building the emergency is impacting. Your child's school could be impacted due to proximity of the emergency or issues due to busing or dismissal delays.
What to do
If you receive an allcall, listen to the entire message. Avoid calling the school if at all possible. Keeping phone lines open for emergency use is extremely important.
In the event of an emergency, please do not come to your child’s school building unless instructed to do so. If you are required to pick up your child, you will receive specific instructions of where and when to do so. Keeping the area around the school clear for emergency personnel is very important. We know it is hard to wait, and we appreciate your patience in these situations.
Please do not try to call your child’s cell phone during a lockdown situation. Phones ringing or buzzing while in lockdown can be dangerous to our students, faculty and staff.
Rely on official communications from the District or public safety officials for information.
Prior to an emergency, you can make sure you are set to receive notifications by ensuring that your child's emergency contact information is accurate and current with the District. If any information has changed, please contact your child's school as soon as possible. Also, if you have not yet done so, download our app (FLSD). See our main webpage for directions.
Terms You Might Hear During an Emergency Situation
Lockdown - This means that there is an identified threat at a building. Hallways are cleared and all students and staff are to lock classroom doors, stay quiet and out of sight within the classroom. Exterior doors to the building are also locked. The students and staff remain in lockdown until the building is deemed safe or evacuation is possible.
Shelter-in-Place - A shelter-in-place is ordered to protect from an external threat or condition such as severe weather or crime in the community. Everyone is brought inside - no entry or exit is permitted from the building until the all clear is received. Hallways are cleared, doors are locked and, in most cases, learning and teaching continues.
Evacuation - If students are evacuated from a building, they will be taken to a safe location until the building is confirmed safe for return or an early release/pick up is coordinated for families. Location details for an evacuation will not be released publicly for safety reasons and will be based on the situation. Families will be notified directly via email, text and automated calls. Evacuations may be necessary in situations where removal of students is possible and safe.
General Guidelines - Safety Procedures:
Exterior doors are locked when classes begin. During the school day parents and guests may enter through designated doors. All visitors entering our schools during school hours, including parents and volunteers, must check in at the main office. All visitors are required to wear a visitor's badge while in the building and should sign out upon departure.
Our best defense against intruders is vigilance. Adults and students who see any suspicious person, observe behavior that causes concern or hear of any threat should notify an administrator right away.
Weapons and look-alike weapons are strictly forbidden at school, at school events and on buses. Possession of a weapon or look-alike will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion and possibly criminal prosecution.
All schools are required by state law to hold periodic fire drills, tornado drills, and, as of 2006, lockdown drills. It is essential that students and adults listen carefully to instructions and adhere to procedures.
Students must follow proper safety procedures in laboratories, on playgrounds, etc.