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Rad Riddles

Rad Riddle Week 12

A girl has as many brothers as sisters, but each brother has only half as  many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters are there?
  •  Don't Google it, silly goose!
  • All entries must be emailed to Mrs. Sansom at [email protected] by Monday, January 20, at 3 P.M.!

Rad Riddle Week 10

What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs? 
  •  Don't Google it, silly goose!
  • All entries must be emailed to Mrs. Sansom at [email protected] by Monday, December 23, at 3 P.M.!

Rad Riddle Week 9

You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I?
  •  Don't Google it, silly goose!
  • All entries must be emailed to Mrs. Sansom at [email protected] by Monday, December 9, at 3 P.M.!

Rad Riddle Week 8

My first is often at the front door. 
My second is in the cereal family.
My third is what most people want.
My whole is one of the united states.
Edit: The answer is matrimony.  
  •  Don't Google it, silly goose!
  • All entries must be emailed to Mrs. Sansom at [email protected] by Monday, November 25, at 3 P.M.!

Rad Riddle Week 7

 What has only two words, but thousands of letters?
Edit:  The answer is a post office
  •  Don't Google it, silly goose!
  • All entries must be emailed to Mrs. Sansom at [email protected] by Monday, November 18, at 3 P.M.!

Rad Riddle Week 6

What is voiceless, yet cries? Wingless, yet flutters? Toothless, yet bites? And mouthless, yet mutters?
 Edit: The answer is The Wind!
  •  Don't Google it, silly goose!
  • All entries must be emailed to Mrs. Sansom at [email protected] by Monday, November 4, at 3 P.M.!

Rad Riddle Week 5

Forward I'm heavy, backward I'm not. What am I?
 Edit: The answer is a ton.
  •  Don't Google it, silly goose!
  • All entries must be emailed to Mrs. Sansom at [email protected] by Monday, October 21, at 3 P.M.!

Rad Riddle Week 4

What do you use to dry, but it gets wet in the process?
 Edit: The answer is a towel.
  •  Don't Google it, silly goose!
  • All entries must be emailed to Mrs. Sansom at [email protected] by Monday, October 14, at 3 P.M.!

Rad Riddle Week 3

No riddle this week, but make sure to check out our other riddles!

Rad Riddle Week 1

You measure my life in hours, and I give you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy, what am I?
  •  Don't Google it, silly goose!
  • All entries must be emailed to Mrs. Sansom at [email protected] by Monday, September 23, at 3 P.M.!


Edit: The answer is a candle. 

Rad Riddle Week 2

 What word starts with E, ends with E, but only has one letter in it?
Edit: the answer is an envelope 
  •  Don't Google it, silly goose!
  • All entries must be emailed to Mrs. Sansom at [email protected] by Monday, September 30, at 3 P.M.!

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