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Local Schools




Welcome to Fairland West Elementary School for Grades 3-4-5

For parents dropping off students in the mornings -- enter the parking lot from FHS and loop around to drop students off by the end gym doors.
The building opens at 7:15 AM.  Homeroom begins at 7:35 AM, and tardy bell rings at 8:00 AM.   
School dismissal:  Parents waiting for students to be dismissed should wait outside the building at the assigned GYM exit designated by grade level.  Door duty teachers will ask parents/guardians to sign students out daily.

Notice in the student Handbook "DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS"
If there is going to be a change to your child's normal end of day routine, only parents or legal guardians may make changes. Changes must be made in person or by sending a Signed and Dated note to school.