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Reading Vocabulary
"The Game of Silence"

1. despised ~ looked at with hatred or unpleasantness
2. honor ~ to show or regard with great respect
3. ancestors ~ people from whom one is descended
4. endurance ~ the power to put up with hardships or difficulties
5. retreated ~ moved back or withdrew
6. intensity ~ the state of being strong and extreme
7. irritating ~ 1. annoying; pestering 2. making painful or sensitive
8. forfeit ~ to lose or have to give up because of a fault, accident, or mistake 

Science Vocabulary

Unit 5

Lesson 1
1. cast - a model of organisms, formed when sediment fills a mold and hardens
2. fossil - the remains or traces of a plant or animal that lived long ago
3. mold - an impression of an organism, formed when sediment hardens around the organism

Les. 2
1. index fossil - a fossil of a type of organism that lived in many places during a relatively short time span
2. mass extinction - a period in which a large number of species become extinct