Welcome to
Mrs. Lauder's Class
2022-2023 Supply List
* 1 Five Star (Mead) 2 pocket Stay-Put folder,
with prongs
* 3 2 pocket, sturdy paper folders of your choice, no prongs,
no 5 Star folders with multiplication grid inside
* Ticonderoga pencils, no mechanical pencils
* 1 package red ink pens
* 1 package black Expo markers
* Pencil cap erasers
* 1 package pink erasers
* 1 package yellow highlighters
* 3 composition notebooks (different color or
design on each cover)
* Fiskar scissors, blunt end
* Elmer glue sticks, no bottles
* Crayola Twistable crayons (24 count pack)
* 1 package of sheet protectors (10 count pack)
* Book bag (no wheels)
* 1 zipper binder pouch
* 3 packages of baby wipes
* 3 containers of Lysol/Clorox wipes
* 3 boxes of tissues
* 1 pair of corded ear buds or headphones
* 1 corded computer mouse
| Reading: Read assigned story, study vocabulary Math: Study multiplication Spelling: Study words
| Reading: Read story, study vocabulary Math: Study multiplication Spelling: Study words
| Reading: Read story, study vocabulary
Math: Study multiplication Spelling: Study words
PE Please wear tennis shoes |
| Reading: Comprehension and Vocabulary Tests Math: Multiplication quiz, study multiplication Spelling: Study words
Fridays Art Wear Green!!!! |
| Reading: Math: Study multiplication Spelling: Spelling Test |
Discrepancies may happen between what is listed here and what is
written in the agenda book. Please rely on the agenda book.
Please feel free to contact me by Dojo, email, or phone with any questions or concerns.