American Rescue Plan Safe Return to In-person Instruction and Continuity of Service
Fairland Local School District’s goal is to prioritize educational excellence while implementing health and safe protocols for the wellness of all students, staff, and the community.
The following health guidelines will be implemented throughout the Fairland Local School District.
Daily self-monitoring
Wellness checks should be conducted at home daily before coming to school.
Any student with a fever of 100 degrees or higher should stay home. Any student that has the following symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home from school and see their primary care provider to be assessed. Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, GI issues (nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea). • Any other illnesses should be handled in the routine manner according to our district policies. Parents and students are responsible for symptom monitoring; however, if nurses/school staff see a child exhibiting symptoms they will act accordingly.
Face Coverings will be optional beginning Monday, November 1, 2021. At any point during the remainder of 2021-2022 school year the mandate requiring facial coverings during the school day or at school events may be subject to change.
Frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Multiple hand sanitizer stations throughout the buildings as well as placing visual clues.
Touchless water stations will be provided to decrease the spread of the virus.
Positive cases of COVID-19 will be handled in cooperation with the Lawrence County Health Department.
Mask to Stay
*Direct contacts, regardless of vaccination or masking status, may remain in the classroom environment if they do the following:
Wear a mask for 14 days after their last date of exposure.
Self-monitor, or parent-monitor, for symptoms of COVID-19.
Isolate and get tested if they start to experience symptoms associated with COVID-19 (regardless of level of severity).
Consistent with guidance for others quarantining in lower-risk environments, students and staff may discontinue these quarantine procedures after seven days — if they don’t develop symptoms and test negative between days 5-7.
Please note: Eligibility to participate in mask to stay/test to play is contingent on the exposure being in the school setting or school-related activities. This does not apply to household exposures or exposures outside of the school setting or school-related activities.
Test to Play
Asymptomatic contacts may continue to participate in extracurricular activities if they do the following
Wear a mask when able. (This includes: transportation; locker rooms; sitting/standing on the sidelines; and anytime the mask will not interfere with breathing, the activity, or create a safety hazard.)
Test on initial notification of exposure to COVID-19.
Test again on days 5-7. If they are negative at this time, they will test out of quarantine.
Please Note: The tests referenced above are SARS-CoV-2 viral (PCR or antigen) tests. They should be proctored/observed by someone and cannot be an over the counter, at home test that was self-administered without a proctor.
Contact Tracing
Classroom Occupancy/Physical Distancing:
The Fairland Local School District will implement the recommended safety protocols but any students who attend school will incur some level of risk. The district will decrease the likelihood of infection with cleaning procedures, but a certain level of risk can not be eliminated. Classroom occupancy will be determined based on each individual classroom circumstance with the maximum amount of safety considerations as possible.
All areas of the campus will be monitored frequently to ensure there is no student crowding. Classrooms will be assigned specific bathroom, breakfast, lunch and gym access times to limit the number of students in any given area. Signage reminding students and staff about handwashing, social distancing, and infection prevention will be posted throughout the school and in areas mentioned above.
Surfaces will be cleaned frequently, paying close attention to high touch areas and shared materials, and make sanitation wipes or disinfectants labeled for use against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) available in each room and common space. The sharing of supplies and materials will be minimized and if items must be shared, sanitized between each user.
* Direct contacts for COVID-19 are those individuals who are identified as being directly exposed to COVID-19 by the positive case. Remember, COVID-19 is a respiratory virus and does not require physical contact to spread. It is spread through sneezing, coughing, talking, and breathing. These factors should be considered when determining level of exposure and direct contacts. Best practice for distancing is 3 ft with everyone masked, 6 ft if the individual is not masked.
Continuity of Service
Impacted Students:
Students that have been quarantined one or more times during the school year.
Students that have met attendance thresholds for truancy.
Students that are failing multiple course classes for the year or required classes for graduation.
FLSD students need to be proficient in the Ohio's Learning Standards and will use multiple methods to measure proficiency including, but not limited to: performance on District Approved Assessments, Restart Readiness Assessments, Benchmark Testing, Check points, Statewide Standardized Tests, Standards Checklists, Curriculum-Based Assessments, Quarterly grades in core subject areas
Identified learning gaps and needs will be addressed using multiple methods including, but not limited to; after school tutoring and intervention programs, summer school credit recovery.
We will coordinate with relevant partners to support academic success (ie. NECCO, Lawrence County ESC, Ohio University Southern, Impact Prevention, Proctorville Library, Huntington Museum of Art)
Extended opportunities:
We will continue to make accessible the following: gifted intervention, College Credit Plus classes, College Prep classes, AP courses, extended academic opportunities such as Science Fair, Power of the Pen, Quiz Bowl, Spelling Bee and after school enrichment.
Social and Emotional:
We will address the social and emotional needs of our students and provide services as needed using one or more of the following resources; district social worker available for referrals, NECCO Behavioral Health maintains weekly hours at each school, guidance counselors available in each school, small group available conducted by NECCO and/or district social worker, PBIS program and strategies implemented to assist in increasing social-emotional learning for all students, PBIS School to home extension plans.
Masks are required on school busses.
It is highly recommended that they use hand sanitizer prior to boarding the school bus. (Seating siblings together whenever possible) Non-compliance will result in denial of transportation services.
Students are required to remain seated at all times and keep their hands and arms to themselves. Students should not touch each other or share any items.
School buses will be cleaned and disinfected twice per day.
Buses will operate; weather permitting, with windows open to increase circulation
Seating charts will be used.
There are different levels of school visitors, and each school will assess any and all requests to enter a building.
Visitors are limited to emergency situations and enrollment.
Basic safety protocols such as having temperature taken and symptoms checked may be implemented for all visitors permitted to enter the building.
The FLSD will periodically review, no less frequently than every six months for the duration of the ARP ESSER grant period (i.e., through September 30, 2023), and revise the plan as appropriate.
The FLSD seeks public input and takes such input into account when it is necessary to revise the plan.