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Local Schools


Welcome Message

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 Welcome Students, Parents, and Staff! Wishing each and everyone of you a Healthy and Happy school year!

I invite you to view my page to get information about health and wellness, as well as any updates regarding our district. My goal is to promote the health and safety of our students so that they are ready to learn. Please feel free to contact me anytime.  
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   Immunization Requirements for 2023-24

      Students entering the 7th Grade for the 2023-24 school year are required to have the Tdap and the MCV4 (Meningococcal) vaccines. Proof of administration must be on file, in the student's health folder, at the start of the new school year. Documentation should be in the form of a recent immunization record from your child's pediatrician or administering facility. If your child receives these vaccines prior to the end of the current school year, or if they have already received them, you may send that information to the school office so that it can be recorded. Immunization records can also be faxed to the school, 740-886-5125.


     Students entering the 12th Grade for the 2023-24 school year are required to show proof they have received the MCV4 (meningococcal) vaccine. If the MCV4 was given prior to the age of 16, a 2nd dose is required prior to the start of the 12th grade. Documentation should be in the form of a recent immunization record from your child's pediatrician or administering facility. If your child receives these vaccines prior to the end of the current school year, or if they have already received them, you may send that information to the school office so that it can be recorded. Immunization records can also be faxed to the school, 740-886-6738


     Any questions or concerns about these immunizations should be discussed with your physician or healthcare provider. 

Head Lice

Head lice are a common community issue and children can get them anytime they are in close contact with others- for example, during play at home or school, slumber parties, sports activities, or camp. It is important to remember that Head lice are not a health hazard or a sign or poor hygiene. Please help us in preventing the spread of this communicable condition by checking your child(ren) on a regular basis. Lice infestation is much easier to treat if it is caught early.


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When possible, medications should be given to students at home. Medication may be administered during school hours if the prescriber determines this to be necessary. Medications with a "once daily" dosing schedule should be administered at home. Please contact me if your child will require medication during the school day so that I can provide you with a medication release form. This form must be completed and signed by a physician before I can administer the medicine here at school.   Over the counter medications such at Tylenol or Ibuprofen also require parent consent. The same form will need to be  completed and brought to school with the medication to be stored in the nurse's office. Remember: Students are not permitted to keep medications in their cubbies, lockers, lunch boxes, or book bags. Students wishing to self-carry their rescue medication MUST  have the proper authorization forms on file. 

To ensure the safety of all students, medications must be delivered to the front office directly by the parent or guardian. 

Medication MUST be in the original, labeled container.  Ask the Pharmacist for a second bottle, with the label, for school use. Any changes in medication or dosage will require a new written order from the doctor.

Medication Release forms MUST be renewed each school year. 

Immunization requirements for school attendance.
A completed form must be provided to the school principal and/or nurse before the student may possess and use an Epinephrine Autoinjector to treat anaphylaxis in school.
A completed form must be provided to the school principal and/or nurse before the student may possess and use an asthma inhaler in school to alleviate symptoms, or before exercise to prevent the onset of asthmatic symptoms.
This form must be on file before a student will be allowed to begin taking any medication during school hours. This form must be updated with any change to the medication throughout the year and must be filed annually.