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ABC's of Kindergarten Information

ABC's of Kindergarten


     It is very important that your child attends school regularly in order to be successful in school. Kindergarten lessons are many times verbal and group oriented so it is very difficult to make up the lessons. Please make regular and prompt attendance a priority in order to instill the importance of school. If your child is sick or in case of an emergency and your child cannot attend school, please send a note explaining the absence the next day your child returns to school. This will result in an excused absence. Without the note, the absence is unexcused. A child is allowed 5 absences, after those 5 a doctor’s excuse is required.

Arrival and Dismissal

  For the first few weeks of school, I will be dismissing the children at 2:05pm. This will allow me time to be sure they are safely on the correct bus. I will walk each child to their bus each day for the first 3-4 months of school. After they have learned how to get to their own bus, I will remain outside and watch the children board the buses in case a student needs help outside.

     If you choose to pick your child up after school, you must sign him/her out at the main entrance to the gym (kindergarten sign-out). You may be asked to show identification, this is only for your child’s safety. After signing your child out, please wait at the door while your child is called from the gym to meet you.

     If an emergency arises and you need to pick your child up early, you must sign him/her out in the office. The secretary will call the room for your child to come to the office.

     If you plan to pick up your child that normally rides the bus or you want your child to ride a different bus than usual, you must send a written note (clipped to the behavior book).

Do not rely on your child to tell me this information. If no written note is sent to me, your child will be sent home by his/her regular bus.


    The children will have Art class once a week. Your child will need an old T-Shirt in a gallon baggie with their name on it. 

Book bags

    Please have your child bring a 9½” X 11”  book bag without wheels to school everyday to help your child carry messages and information to and from school.



    Birthdays are very special occasions for young children. Although we are not permitted to have birthday parties at school, your child may bring a special snack to share with the class. Please send me a note a couple of days in advance, so I can tell you the exact number of students in our class.

     Children with summer birthdays will be given an opportunity to celebrate their birthday with the class too. I will assign a special “school birthday” to these children. These birthdays are usually celebrated in May.

     Please do not send birthday invitations to school unless the entire class has been invited. It may seem like a convenient way to distribute invitations, but it can result in hurt feelings for those not invited.

Book Orders

     Your child will be bringing home a form to order books once a month. If you wish to order, fill out the form and make check payable to Scholastic and return in an envelope. These orders are provided to parents as a way to buy quality books for their child at a low price. Also, for every dollar spent on books, our class earns points which are used to purchase books for classroom use.


Breakfast will be served from 7:30 am until 8:15 am for children who wish to participate. The cost is $ 1.25 and usually includes both milk and juice. The students, who eat breakfast at school, will be guided to breakfast and given help in the beginning of the school year.


    A calendar of events will be on the monthly school breakfast/lunch menus.


    We have 4 computers in our classroom. I have a variety of age-appropriate programs that reinforce math, readiness and reading skills. Children will work on the computers during center time and inside recess.

The children will go to the Computer Lab once a week to work on reading and math skills.

Conferences & Communication

    Throughout the year, I will be in touch with you through notes, telephone calls, weekly newsletters, report cards, and parent-teacher conferences. I invite you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time. If you call the school (886-3120), leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible. You may also send a note with your child attached to the behavior book. If you would like a conference other than scheduled conferences, I will gladly see you before or after school or during my planning times during the day. Please let me know what is best for you.


     The Kindergarten teachers at Fairland have uniformly adopted the following discipline plan. I also use magnetic race cars as a warning system. The children start each day with their car on the track (road). The children receive a verbal warning the first time a rule is broken. With the second warning, the child moves their car to the pits and third warning to the garage.

Consequences:                     garage- misbehavior written in behavior book and loses 1/2 recess.


                                                *If behavior continues your child will lose all of his/her recess and/or be taken to the principal and parents will be notified.


     Each child has a behavior book to receive stamps daily if he/she does not misbehave. Any child whose car reaches the garage (3 warnings), I will write in the behavior book what misbehavior occurred.   There is a place for a parent’s signature at the bottom of each day’s column. The behavior book must be reviewed each evening, signed and returned to school the next day.

     The behavior book provides daily communication between the teacher and the parents. It also provides an opportunity for praise for each positive stamp and information concerning misbehavior to be corrected.



    You may contact me via my e-mail address:    jflynn@

Emergency Card

Please complete and return the emergency card promptly. If your home or work phone number changes, inform me and office so you can be located quickly if an emergency occurs.

Emergency Closings

   If Fairland is closed for a snow day or any emergency, radio station, local TV stations, and Channel 39-school channel will make an announcement.

Field Trip

    We will go on one Field Trip usually in May. It will be both fun and educational for the children.

First Day of School Tips

 The first day of kindergarten is an exciting event for children. They have heard about it from parents, brothers, sisters or friends….and now they are eager to begin. It is natural for children to experience some fears about school. There are many new things to encounter such as new kids, new classroom, and new grown-ups and sometimes it can make the separation into school difficult. Here are a few tips to help you get through the first week or two of kindergarten.


*Have a positive attitude and look forward to the first day of school, your child will probably do the same.

*If your child will normally ride the bus to school, allow him to ride the first day. This will give him/her a feeling of accomplishment being able to ride the big school bus. If you bring your child the first day and expect him to ride the bus home, the bus driver may not know which stop is your child’s if the bus driver did not pick him/her up in the morning. Every child is tagged with the correct bus number as he/she gets off the bus to ensure that he/she returns to the right bus when school is over.

*If you bring your child to school, plan on staying about 5 minutes the first day. A longer or shorter amount of time may make separation harder.

 *Be sure to leave cheerfully and make sure to say good-bye. Trying to leave while the child is busy sometimes makes children panic and will also make the separation even harder the next school day.

*Discuss any fears about school the first day. Be reassuring that everything will be okay. Explain to your child that if he/she is scared or needs help to ask the teacher.

*You may walk your child to the classroom on the first day of school. I encourage you to support his/her independence by allowing him/her to find the classroom on their own the following days. Teachers and aides will be in the lobby to help your child if they cannot find their classroom.


    Our class will have a 40 minute Physical Education class each week with Mr. Speed.   The children are asked to wear tennis shoes on P. E. day.

Grading Policy
     For the first four weeks of school, I will correct the children’s papers and make comments to help your child improve. Please emphasize the importance in taking their time and doing their best work.

     At the beginning of the fifth week, I will begin giving percentage grades on the papers. I may also give a grade for neatness.


Grading Scale

A   93-100                                   D+ 67-69

A- 90-92                                    D   63-66

B+ 87-89                                     D- 60-62

B   83-86                                     U   59 or below

B- 80-82

C+ 77-79                                   S- satisfactory

C   73-76                                   N-needs improvement

C- 70-72                                   U- unsatisfactory


Please let me know of special circumstances which may affect your child. These could include medication that may make them sleepy, a death in the family, etc. Also, please let me know of any allergies your child may have, especially food allergies.  We sometimes cook or do food activities to complement lessons in kindergarten and it would be helpful to know when I plan our recipes.

Hooked on Books Reading Program
      Second semester, the children, who have mastered the high frequency word list by receiving an A, will begin taking home one book a night to read at home. This is a wonderful practice to build reading fluency and to reinforce the high-frequency words they have learned. The children will read to me first then they may take the book home to read to you at home. This is their chance to “show-off” their developing reading skills. Your child will earn ribbons for books read.


    Homework will be sent home 3-4 nights a week. Your child should complete this work by themselves, under your supervision, and return it the next school day!   Your child will also bring home pre-decodable and decodable books to read to 3 adults. Have each person sign the book and return the next day.


    It is important to keep your child at home if he/she is ill. This will help your child get well and keep others from becoming ill. Children will do better in class if they are healthy. Please send a note or doctor’s excuse (clipped to their behavior book) when they return explaining the absence.


    One strategy we use to convey the concept that “print conveys meaning” is the use of journal writing.   The journals are used to help your child with their emerging writing and drawing skills.


    We teach a unit about Good Character emphasizing how we should treat other people and how to make good choices. Bothering others, bullying and interrupting learning will not be permitted.


    The children go to the library one day each week.  
They read and discuss stories with the children. In January, the children are allowed to begin checking out a book to borrow for one week.


      Kindergarten has lunch at approximately 11:30. Your child may purchase a lunch from the cafeteria or bring a packed lunch from home.  The cost of school lunch, which includes milk, is $2.60. Chocolate milk or white milk may be purchased for $ .30 to go with a packed lunch. Carbonated beverages are not allowed at school.

     Children who qualify for free or reduced lunch do not receive free milk when they choose to bring a packed lunch from home. They must bring a drink or buy a milk for $ .30

     Kindergarten students eat lunch in the cafeteria. I will help students open their milk or other items in their lunch when they need assistance.

     We will have a pre-pay system for lunch and breakfast. More information on this new system will be coming home at the beginning of our school year. 


     Kindergarten math is taught through calendar time, hands-on activities and practice worksheets. The children use math manipulative to explore concepts such as counting, sorting, patterning, addition, subtraction, estimating, graphing, measurement, time and money. The practice worksheets and math workbooks reinforce the skills taught and give the children practice printing numerals.

    Our music teacher, Mrs. Dunfee,  will be teaching the children the basics of music and sharing many songs. The children have music class once a week. I will also be teaching the children many songs about the units taught in class.

     When you send money to school with your child, always seal it in a zip lock bag with the following information.

*your child’s first and last name

*teacher’s name or section

*the purpose for the money (lunch, breakfast, fees, party, book club etc.)

*clip all money to behavior book

     With a class of 20 or more children to keep track of and several reasons to collect money, this would help me a lot and reduce errors. If possible it is also very helpful if there is exact change sent to school. If the zip lock bag is lost on the bus or in the hallway, the information on the zip lock bag will help the money to be returned to my classroom. The zip lock bag will be returned.


    I will send a newsletter home every Monday. This will keep you informed about what is happening in our class---the skills we are learning in reading, math, science, writing and special activities and events. Please review the newsletter and papers with your child and keep the papers at home.

    We have a wonderful nurse at Fairland East Elementary. Her name is Mrs. Buchanan.   She will tend to minor scrapes and scratches, as well as, sudden illnesses. Please be sure to turn in the gray medical cards with complete information in case she needs to get in touch with you.


    Kindergarten Orientation is the first day of school. There will be two sessions 9:00-10:00 and 10:30-11:30.    Parents and children will visit the classroom during their scheduled time.    I will provide a lot of very important information about the kindergarten year. The children will get to meet their classmates and myself. The children will go home with the parents after the orientation.   Their first full day will be the second day of school.

Parent-Teacher Communication

     Throughout the year, I will be in touch with you through notes, telephone calls, weekly newsletters, report cards, and parent-teacher conferences. I invite you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time. If you call the school (886-3120), leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible. You may also send a note attached to your child's behavior book. If you would like a conference other than scheduled conferences, I will gladly see you before or after school or during my planning times during the day.  Please let me know what is best for you.

Parent Participation
     There will be many different activities throughout the year in which I will need a parent volunteer to help in our class. I have included a form in the folder of information for you to return if you will be interested in helping in our classroom this year. Some of the activities include Thanksgiving celebration, Christmas activities, field trip, reading to the class, and many more. Sometimes I will also ask for volunteers to send special supplies or treats for a certain activity. I appreciate your help because parent support makes the difference.

     P.T.O. is the Parent-Teacher Organization at Fairland East Elementary. I urge all parents to be involved in this organization. There is a meeting each month and activities planned throughout the school year. Information will be sent through the P.T.O. newsletter.

     P.T.O sponsors three school parties each year which are Fall Festival, Valentine’s Day, and Field Day. If you are interested in helping with one of these parties, please attend the first meeting which will be in September.


    If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me at school (886-3120) and leave a message. I will call you back as soon as possible. You can also write a note and attach it to the behavior book.  

     Kindergarten will use the SRA “Imagine It”  program. It is a phonics based program which teaches letter recognition, sounds for each letter, and how to blend sounds together to make words. We begin with learning the letters of the alphabet with Aa and learn about 2 letters a week. The children will also be exposed to a wide variety of literature and materials. The children will also be taught to read many high frequency words throughout the school year.

     Kindergarten recess period is prior to lunch and the children will go outside each day unless it is raining or very cold. The playground is a fun and exciting place for the children to climb, swing and play. Please remember that your child will be climbing and moving quickly. Please help them choose appropriate clothing for these activities. We have recess early in the day so when it is cool in the fall and spring please send a light jacket with your child.

Report Cards

    Report cards will be issued every nine weeks. These report cards reflect the progress your child has made toward various kindergarten objectives.

    There are bathrooms in each kindergarten classroom. The toilets have automatic flush so please discuss this with your child to eliminate fears.


    Classroom Rules

1.        Be nice to each other.

2.       No talking when the teacher is talking.

3.       Raise your hand to talk.

4.       When the teacher is out of the room, stay in your seat and be quiet.

5.       Keep hands and feet to yourself.

6.       Sit in seat safely.

Hallway Rules

1.        No talking.

2.       No running in the school.

3.       No pushing in line.


Lunchtime Rules

1.        Eat your lunch first.

2.       Talk quietly after eating.

3.       Use good manners.

Playground Rules

1.        No running on wood areas.

2.       Do not push kids on the swings.

3.       Go down the slide safely.

4.       Do not pick up the gravel.

5.       One whistle-stop and listen           Two whistles-line up to go inside

Bus Rules

1.        Sit down.

2.       Be quiet.

3.        Keep hands, feet, book bag, etc… in your seat.


School Hours
     Kindergarten students attend school everyday all day. The building opens at 7:30am for those student who ride early buses. All children who arrive before 7:45am must go to the cafeteria until dismissed to their classrooms at 7:45am. For their own safety the children are not allowed in the classroom before that time.

Wednesday, May 22nd           Last day of school           

Science & Social Studies

I teach Social Studies and Science by themes. Some of the topics we will learn about during the year include character education,  community helpers, Christmas in other countries, roles of people, growing and changing, teeth, plants, germs, pumpkins, penguins, sharks, ladybugs, life cycles of frogs and butterflies. Kindergarten also uses a new science program which includes a big book of facts, experiments, vocabulary review, and interactive videos.
     Our class has snack time everyday. Each child will be responsible to send a monthly snack to share with the rest of our class. This should be a healthy snack that is quickly eaten, such as a box of animal crackers, cookies, fruit roll-ups, etc… We will get a drink of water after our snack, so no drinks are necessary. Please sign up for a snack at the Kindergarten Orientation. 

 Supplies & Fees

    This supply fee includes his/her Math workbook, paper, pencils, art supplies, computer headphones, etc. Your child will not need to bring any of these items from home. The supply fee may be paid in full or broken down into smaller payments. Please make any checks payable to Fairland East Elementary. A reminder will be sent home prior to the end of each 9 weeks grading period.

The items your child should bring from home are: a small (snap shut) pencil box, book bag without wheels, 2 (sturdy) pocket folders, 1 box of 8 Crayola Crayons, 3 boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayons (to replace each 9 week period), 2 bottles of Elmers Glue (4 fl. oz.-not glue sticks), 1 pair of Fiskar scissors, 1-plastic green 3 prong pocket folder, 2 dry erase markers and an Art shirt (old t-shirt).

If possible, please bring the following items to share with the class:

·          2 packages of baby wipes

·          2 box of tissues

    Children are not permitted to bring toys to school. The toys distract the children from learning. If a toy is accidentally lost or broken, feelings will be hurt. Later in the school year the children will have an opportunity to bring a toy for show and tell.


    Kindergarteners have opportunities to describe how they are alike as well as different from others. Each child may also have a unique learning style. We provide many different ways to learn the kindergarten skills .


    Fairland East Elementary has a policy that ALL Visitors are required to enter the front doors and check in at the school office. The school welcomes and encourages parent involvement. The secretary will give each visitor a badge to wear in the school. It is the goal and responsibility of the school to create a safe learning environment.


    Our class has a website which can be accessed at:

Check in weekly to find information about curriculum, special events and school news. I will be including photos from activities at school. Please be sure to promptly return the internet/publishing permission form, which permits me to include your child’s photo on our website.
Wish List

    Throughout the year we sometimes need supplies for our classroom. I will ask for volunteers in our weekly newsletter to send in supplies.


The children will begin writing using journals in September in which they will only draw the pictures. In October, the children will draw the picture and verbally finish the sentence. The teacher will print the child’s response.    In November and December the children begin sounding out short responses to complete the sentence.

Beginning in January the children will begin writing in writing groups where each child has an opportunity to have one-on-one time with the teacher to practice sounding and blending.  In April the children will have a daily topic to write about independently in a first grade journal.


    Please give me extra time responding to letters and grading papers.

(Okay, so this “x” word is a little bit of a stretch, but I couldn’t come up with anything else.


Younger Siblings

    Parent Volunteers are not permitted to bring younger siblings to school to help with school activities.   It not only allows the parent volunteer to give full attention to the class and activity, but also allows for some special time between the parent and their child. Thank you for making childcare arrangements for younger siblings.


    Please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. If a child has a consistent bedtime it will help them to be alert and ready to learn at school.